Partial dentures at our denture clinics can be manufactured using chrome cobalt (a type of metal). Metal dentures are smaller thinner, stronger and last longer due to NO wear and tear. The clasps (clips) made from metal fit around the natural teeth perfectly and often tend to support them. This is due to a casting machine adapting the clasps directly onto your natural teeth during the process. Alternatively, plastic material can be used including "hi impact" acrylics. The chemical structure of such acrylics makes the denture material stronger, more resilient to wear and breakage, but it does not compare to the strength and size of a chrome cobalt denture material. The clasps of a plastic denture are hand wrought and cannot compete with the accuracy when using a centrifugal casting machine for a chrome cobalt denture. Then there are flexible thermoplastic dentures. These types of appliances are undetectable, durable and resistant to breakage. Our clinics more often provide this type of denture to any other.