
โดย 100001017034 9 กันยายน 2565
We haven't gone far....
โดย Paul Werner 14 พฤศจิกายน 2562
Although dentures are fabricated from durable materials all type of dentures can break. We have not seen unbreakable denture materials yet. Just like your natural tooth can break, a false tooth, a metal clip or the actual plate can chip or break off. Usually this is due to heavy biting forces or biting onto something hard or tough and chewy food. It is quite rare to break a chrome cobalt (metal type) denture and it’s not common to snap a fully flexible type partial denture however individual teeth can break off. How may the break occur? • Avoid biting on bones, hard crusts, hard confectionary and such kind • Take care when cleaning your dentures as they can slip out of your hand falling onto a hard surface such as your sink or a tile or a concrete floor • Old, worn and poorly fitting dentures become weak and are prone to breakage Tips • Do not bend or try to tighten metal or wire clips as this action can weaken them • Place water into the sink in case the denture drops • Don’t try to repair dentures using superglue as it may be toxic or render the denture unrepairable • Remove dentures during sleep • Keep your dentures safe as pets love to take them and chew them up Can an extracted or lostnatural tooth be added to a denture? Yes on most occasions this can be done although there are times when we would recommend a replacement or renewal of you entire denture(s) instead Do consider • Should I repair or replace older type or poorly fitting dentures? • Do I have a spare in case of an emergency? • Seek advice for ongoing maintenance and reoccurrence
โดย KDC 4 เมษายน 2562
Beware are your old dentures a possible health hazzard?
โดย Paul Werner 18 มีนาคม 2562
Our Website can now be translated into various languages
โดย Paul Werner 12 มีนาคม 2562
How much do flexible dentures cost?
โดย RDL 24 กุมภาพันธ์ 2562
No more missing teeth, see more clinical procedures for partial dentures
โดย Paul Werner 22 กุมภาพันธ์ 2562
Partial Dentures
โดย 100001017034 9 กันยายน 2565
We haven't gone far....
โดย Paul Werner 14 พฤศจิกายน 2562
Although dentures are fabricated from durable materials all type of dentures can break. We have not seen unbreakable denture materials yet. Just like your natural tooth can break, a false tooth, a metal clip or the actual plate can chip or break off. Usually this is due to heavy biting forces or biting onto something hard or tough and chewy food. It is quite rare to break a chrome cobalt (metal type) denture and it’s not common to snap a fully flexible type partial denture however individual teeth can break off. How may the break occur? • Avoid biting on bones, hard crusts, hard confectionary and such kind • Take care when cleaning your dentures as they can slip out of your hand falling onto a hard surface such as your sink or a tile or a concrete floor • Old, worn and poorly fitting dentures become weak and are prone to breakage Tips • Do not bend or try to tighten metal or wire clips as this action can weaken them • Place water into the sink in case the denture drops • Don’t try to repair dentures using superglue as it may be toxic or render the denture unrepairable • Remove dentures during sleep • Keep your dentures safe as pets love to take them and chew them up Can an extracted or lostnatural tooth be added to a denture? Yes on most occasions this can be done although there are times when we would recommend a replacement or renewal of you entire denture(s) instead Do consider • Should I repair or replace older type or poorly fitting dentures? • Do I have a spare in case of an emergency? • Seek advice for ongoing maintenance and reoccurrence
โดย KDC 4 เมษายน 2562
Beware are your old dentures a possible health hazzard?
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